Everyone should take a road trip at least once in their lifetime. It provides you with a unique way of discovering new places and meeting new people. There are no rules, but it’s worthwhile following a few simple steps to ensure you get the most out of your trip.
Have a Loose Plan
It’s a good idea to plot your route and have a loose plan in place before you set off. Don’t be too rigid, though. That’s one of the best things about road trips. You never know where you’ll end up and what you’ll see.
Take a few unscheduled stops. Have a break from driving for a few hours and try something different. Guided tours, like the great ocean road tours, are a great way to get to know an area. They provide you with expert knowledge of a locality.
Pack Carefully
When organizing your trip, pack carefully and choose a luggage that is not too cumbersome. Remember, everything will need to fit into the trunk, including any food, etc. If you’re staying in hotels each night, you won’t want to be lugging around a heavy suitcase. Remember to keep a bag for dirty clothes so that you can deal with them separately.
Never leave valuables in your trunk overnight.
Bring a Road Atlas
It’s fine to take along apps to help you follow your route. Take a road atlas as well. If ever you lose your phone or access to GPS, you will still be able to find your way. Make sure you have the latest edition.
Bring Music
Bring lots of music with you for the journey. When you’re driving for hours on end, it’s good to have something to listen to. Bring a few CDs, as well as your MP3 player, just in case. In years to come, when you hear those songs, they will remind you of the trip.
Podcasts also make good listening. Load up your MP3 ahead of time with some interesting shows.
Bring Cash
As well as your debit cards and travellers cheques, make sure you have some cash. This is in case of emergency. Also make sure you have some coins available for toll booths.
Phone cards are also a good idea if they are available in the areas you’re visiting. They provide a good backup to cell phones.
Ask the Locals
Don’t always rely on guidebooks. Ask the locals for their advice on what to visit and where to eat. It’s likely they will know some interesting places that are off the beaten track.
Share the Driving
Share the driving and map-reading duties to vary the journey. If you’re not so hot on reading a map, brush up on your skills before you leave.
Bring a Spare Car Key
Don’t forget to bring a spare car key. Chances are you’ll need it.
Learn How to Change a Tire
If you don’t know how to do this already, learn how to change a tire. This is a skill that everyone should have.
Remember to not be too rigid when planning your journey. Have fun. Be spontaneous. And see where the road takes you.
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Good advice! I remember I thought I’d lost my spare car key during a road trip. We drove back for one hour to discover the key in one of my secret pockets 🙂
Violeta recently posted…Szechenyi Thermal Bath, the Best Spa Experience in Budapest
I completely agree with the ‘have a loose plan’ bit. You can never know sometimes what you might come across that you really like and want to spend some time exploring. That’s probably the best thing about road trips, isn’t it? As for the ‘share the driving bit’, my husband and I always fight on that aspect. We both love driving and hate sharing the wheel 😀
Medha Verma recently posted…Top 5 Exceptional Fine-dining Experiences in Delhi
haha that’s hilarious. I hate driving so I’m glad my boyfriend is willing to drive us all the way <3
I’m still yet to learn how to change a tyre, but it’s on my list! My partner is the one who loves to drive, so happy for him to take the lead (he doesn’t like my driving ha!) Good tip about a road atlas, I always rely on Google Maps 🙂
This is a timely post for me. My boyfriend and I are making preparations for a several month roadtrip around Australia, living out of our van and hopefully eventually settling in Melbourne. The problem is that I don’t know how to drive manual and I’m already a bad enough driver as it is! Hopefully that will improve with time.
Kate recently posted…Acknowledging my white privilege in Southeast Asia
Great list! Cash is key in foreign countries. I have been burned more than once when it comes to tolls and not having change.
I have to confess, I’ve never been on a proper road trip – though I am driving 5 hours to the Lake District next week, so that should be fun! A lot of those tips should help make my journey easier x
Haha, love this, just nodded and agreed to all these points – Music, I cannot travel without it. Music can get you through all journeys 😀 – Even after 6 years of traveling it still surprises me when I come across travelers who will only go by what the guide book tells them to see and do. Asking locals can open up so many new discoveries.
The spare key idea is soooo important! I didn’t even think of that! I also suggest podcasts! Get lost in stories and knowledge too and it makes time pass so fast!