I have been saving all my tips from working part-time as a server at Mile Zero Lounge. When I finally was able to save $1000 (from January this year up until early February), I decided to look online and saw a great deal to fly from Edmonton, Canada to London, UK for only $998. I thought, sweet! I could afford that. I went ahead and booked it. Afterwards, I went to check my bank account online to transfer my cash to my credit card. I saw that I got charged for more than $998, so I was confused and was not happy. I called my bank and asked about the transaction. The lady on the other line suggested that maybe the currency was set to USD and not CAD. True enough, when I checked my receipt, it was in USD. Lesson learned? Check that the currency is set to a currency you would like to pay. I ended up paying around $1270 for a roundtrip ticket from Edmonton to London from July 21 to August 5. Anyways, I am happy that this trip is happening. Cannot wait!

Hey that’s not a bad price either 🙂 but $990 would be nice!
I’m sorry for you. It’s horrible that you messed up with the currencies. I hope you’ll be able to enjoy your trip nevertheless 🙂
I know eh. Oh well. The good part is this trip is happening! 🙂
It was my fault for being careless. haha but that’s alright. I’m sure I will have fun! 🙂 Thank you! 🙂
Well, sometimes you are just thinking of anything else and you forget little things. Good to hear that you’ll enjoy it nevertheless 🙂
On a different note, I was wondering if I could get your support and help me convince Global Degree TV to choose me as their girl travel buddy? You can find more information about it on my latest blog post. Will I be able to count on you?