Hi there! I am glad you stumbled upon my little space on the internet.
Who am I? I am Justine. I was born in the Philippines and moved to Canada when I was 18 years old. I lived in the land of maple syrup and hockey where I got my university degree and worked as a journalist for over three years. In the later part of 2017, I thought it would be a good idea to uproot my life again and moved Down Under. Since December 2017, I have been calling Melbourne home. I left Melbourne again in September 2018, moved to Montreal and started grad school at McGill. I finished my graduate program in Public Relations back in October 2019 and now work for a non-profit as a Junior Communications Specialist.

Why did I create a travel blog? I have always had this fear that when I’m old, I might get Alzheimer’s and I might forget all the cool places I’ve been to, activities I’ve experienced, food I’ve eaten, and people I’ve met so I decided to start a travel blog to record all of these wonderful things. And then my friends and family started asking me for travel advice and my blog became a source of information for them.
What does Jusz Travel mean? Simple. It just means “just travel!” It was just a play on words because my nickname is Jusz. 😛 If you also notice my header, you can see the tagline “One City at a Time,” this only means that for me, there really is no rush to see everything at once. We can just take travelling one day at a time and one city at a time.
What you can expect from my blog? A lot of articles about budget, food, travel tips, and occasionally, some random ramblings about my experiences at home and abroad.

What gets me excited about traveling? Food, beaches, markets, bridges, people, hustle and bustle of a city, and the beauty of nature.
What do I do on my spare time? When I am not traveling, I am working to save money for my next trip and pay off my student loan, discovering new restaurants, practicing hot yoga, or spending time with the people I love.

How to contact me? If you have any question about anything or want to collaborate, please feel free to e-mail me at jusztravel@gmail.com
Hello. I loved your touching story
This should be required reading for ALL travelers! Lol. I met cute fellow travelers but nothing permanent like marriage happened for me. I am a freelance writer and looking to write about and include travel romances and successful stories like yours! Can we chat please? Email me.