Choosing a Frequent Flyer Program

Do you travel frequently? You definitely need a frequent flyer program then. So you think finding the

best one from the many out there is hard work? May be, but as long as you go about it right, you’ll be

able to choose a program that suits your needs. And when you join it, it will only be some time before

you begin to maximise the benefits and start earning discounts, upgrades and other great incentives.

So how do you choose a frequent flyer program? Here is what you should consider.

How frequently do you fly?

How often do you fly? If the frequency is too much, you should definitely sign up for a flyer program,

and then use it every time you board the place. Upon doing so, you’ll move up the membership levels

quickly, which will provide you with greater rewards.

If you do not make enough trips in a year, then you should subscribe to a program that allows you to

increase balance though multiple means. Many flyer programs offer great ways to accumulate points

such as buying a phone credit or petrol. In some cases, there are aggregator platforms that allow you to

combine and purchase frequent flyer points.

So conduct thorough research, and figure out what suits your needs the most. Accordingly, get

membership for a program increases your earning potential.

Which airlines do you prefer the most?

Think about the airlines which you like the most and the places where you fly the most. May be it is a

route that is serviced by one specific airline only. What about partner airlines? Almost every airline has

a global alliance network, and you should consider this as well. Figure out the number of points you’d be

able to earn through these partners, and accordingly decide.

What’s the membership fee and when does the program expire?

Ideally the best frequent flyer program is one that pays off the most with you putting in minimum effort.

Go through details such as the membership fee, membership levels, validity period and the like.

Understand all of these so that you can earn the maximum points.

Is the program compatible with any credit card network?

Many frequent flyer programs are affiliated with credit card providers. So if you use the card for eligible

purchases, you can earn some points. Which credit cards do you already have? Check their options, and

see if they have partnered up with any flyer program.

What extras are offered?

You want to redeem your flyer points, and redeem as much as possible. But this also means you should

have an interest in the available offers. When choosing a flyer program, consider the extras benefits or

features that you will be entitled to and the number of points you will require availing them. Do they

offer a free flight or discounted tickets for a family member? Do they increase your baggage allowance,

give you access to the VIP lounge or allow quicker check-in? Consider all these extras, and then make a


*This is a sponsored post.

Tags: frequent flyer, travel, travel program

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    • Danielle Desir
    • June 29, 2017

    Being that I fly with the major US airline carriers, I couldn’t agree more to sign up for frequent flyer programs. I recently booked an award roundtrip flight with Delta to Rome for $75 USD (taxes and fees). I love that through the alliances I can earn points on my carrier of choice even when I’m not flying with them too.

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